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Friday, September 16, 2022

Troubled by black spots on your face? Know all about different types of pigmentation

 Troubled by black spots on your face? Know all about different types of pigmentation

Skin Saturation is a rather common condition, so it’s important to understand the types, so that you can get the right kind of treatment. 
 Skin saturation on the face is a veritably common problem that Indians face, and believe it or not, it can beget a considerable cerebral impact. But you must know about the types of saturation and how to break them. 

 Causes of skin saturation 

 Some of the most common causes of saturation on the face are conditions like melasma, dots, lentigens, Riehl’s melanosis, Ashy’s dermatosis, and numerous further. These can beget light brown to dark brown and indeed slate or bluish abrasion. 
Its treatment requires clinical moxie and also skin vivisection in some cases to directly diagnose the clinical condition causing the saturation. 
 Another common cause of pigmented spots on the face in India is dots. These are seen as light small brown spots on sun- exposed areas. Sun exposure and genetics are the two main causes. 
Lentigens are also small brown spots that appear in sun- exposed areas but they're generally darker in colour. 
 Acanthosis nigricans is also an extremely common cause of saturation on the face and neck. It's characterized by dark, satiny, and thickened skin on the face and body crowds. It's generally a symptom of rotundity, diabetes, nutritive insufficiency, and in some cases indeed excrescences. 

 Different types of saturation 

 Melasma, the most common cause of saturation in India has been classified as epidermal, dermal, and dermo- epidermal, depending on the depth of saturation. In the epidermal type, the color is brown whereas, in the dermal type, the color is slate- brown. 
 After we identify the type of color, the treatment plan is formulated. UV shafts, hormonal changes, thyroid diseases, oral contraceptives, inheritable history, gestation, and oral specifics like phenytoin, griseofulvin, NSAIDS are some of the common causes of melasma. 

 How to treat skin saturation? 

 The most important part in the treatment of these clinical realities is the junking of the provoking factors, strict photo protection
, and color reduction. 

 Photo protection in the form of sunscreen, both topical and oral; wearing headdresses or using an marquee outside, and wearing tones is of consummate significance. 
 life variations like avoiding out-of-door conditioning between 11 AM – 4 PM can be helpful. 

 Topical skin lightening agents after correct opinion can be started. 
 Some of the skin- lightening agents are azelaic acid, hydrocortisone , glycolic acid, lactic acid, Mandela  acid, nascence arbutin, licorice excerpt, and kojic acid. They've to be used along with sunscreens . However , talk to your croakier  , If you witness greenish  and vexation.

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