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Thursday, August 4, 2022

How Can I Reduce My Blood Pressure?

 How Can I Reduce My Blood Pressure?

In the first part of this two part series on blood pressure we discussed what blood pressure is, it’s causes and how you can identify high blood pressure. In this article we will be discuss what you can do to abate your blood pressure.

How can I reduce my Blood Pressure?

Everyone can comfort from taking measures to lower blood pressure. Even if you have a fitness blood pressure you can still take steps to ensure it remains fitness . The following lifestyle modifications can support plainly lower your blood pressure:

Maintain a fitness weight

Stop smoking

abate salt intake

Drink alcohol in moderation

Increase fruit and vegetables

Become more physically active


Try to manage stress

1. Maintain a healthy weight

It is well researched that staring overweight can lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure. Maintaining a well balanced diet can considerably reduce your blood pressure. Losing as little as 10% of excess weight can lower blood pressure. Being overweight is as well as a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. Consult with your GP/Nurse to set realistic achievable goals for weight reduction. 10% weight reduction can lower your BP by 10-20mmHg.
2. Stop Smoking

If you smoke, stop! Smoking is another great risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Once you fast , your risk of having a heart attack will be halved within two years. There are lots of different methods to support make quitting simple . Consult with your GP/Nurse to see what is suitable for you.
3. Reduce your salt intake

If everyone in Ireland abate salt intake by half a teaspoon (2.4 grams per day), this must be prevent approximately 900 deaths each year from stroke and heart disease. public in Ireland take too much salt and this is directly linked to high blood pressure. It is the sodium in salt that affects blood pressure. Tips for cutting down on your salt intake Do not add salt to your food at the table. Avoid adding salt to food while cooking. Cut down on action foods that are generally high in salt. Try flavouring your foods with pepper, spices or herbs as alternatives to salt.
Sea salt, rock salt, garlic salt and table salt all have the same sodium content.

4. Increase your intake of fruit and vegetables

High blood pressure can be abate by following a healthy eating plan that is high in fruit and vegetables. Adults should be eat at least 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables every day. Buy lots of fruit and vegetables in a variety of colours. Fruits and vegetables have been significantly proven to support prevent diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

5. Drink alcohol in moderation

Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with high blood pressure. It can harm the liver, brain and heart. Many people find that their blood pressure better when they decrease their alcohol consumption. Alcohol is measured in units. The advice for both men and women are shown under . Men Maximum 17 units over 7 days Women Maximum 11 units over 7 days 1 UNIT OF ALCOHOL: ½ pint of beer a small glass of wine (100ml)
1 pub measure of spirits

6. Become more physically active

Being physically active is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent or control high blood pressure. It as well as support to abate your overall risk of heart disease. Aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week. One way of achieving this is a 30 minute brisk walk 5 days per week. Tips for being more active: Use the stairs instead of an elevator. Get off the bus one or two stops earlier. Park your car at the far end of the car park.
Remember any activity that leaves you warm and slightly out of breath is good

7. Try to manage your stress

Anxiety and stress may be raise your blood pressure in the short term. This is a normal response and fitness blood vessels can cope with these ex chance . even so , if your blood pressure is raised for long time of time due to stress, this will be eventually harmful the walls of your arteries.

Try to develop system of coping with stress that you can practice at any time , a way of “change off” for 5-10 minutes. Relaxation exercises can support to release brain chemicals that act as your body’s natural brain tranquilizers, support to lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety levels.

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