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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Food for Dengue – What To Eat And What To Avoid!

Food for Dengue – What To Eat And What To Avoid!

Come monsoon and the panic of dengue hits one and all! With the digit  of lives damage by the deadly malady, the causes, and mark that these mosquito-borne disease shows are not unknown to many more . 

Once bitten by the fatal Aedes mosquito, the mark of high fever, headache, rashes, coupled with joint and muscle pain started to show up within 3 or more days, and from there the action just  worsens. 

even so , there are many more ways and means to fight the dengue virus. First and foremost, it’s vital to boost the patient’s release . This can be done by giving him/her food items that are loaded with essential nutrients and vitamins that ensure a speedy regain . 

Here’s a list of a few of them:

Papaya Leaves

Many analyst  have found that papaya leaves play a crucial role in fighting this dangerous disease. They support to elevate the platelet counts and that fall to dangerously low levels in a dengue patient. Typically, it is advised to consume these leaves in the juice form.

A healthy drink to fight dengue

  1. Take ½ papaya, medium in size and chop it into small slice 
  2. Next convey the freshly cut slice to a bowl
  3. Now add to this, ½ a cup of orange juice, and two to three tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  4. Next, add a tablespoon of honey and sprinkle some black pepper powder and salt to taste
  5. Transfer the contents to a blender, add a little water, and blend to a smooth juice
  6. Consume fresh 

Mix of herbs

Many health promoter suggests normally use of Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Giloy (an Ayurvedic herb), and Aloe Vera to control the spread of the aliment . Many doctors  as well as suggest to up the intake of amla, as it is rich in Vitamin C.


filled with essential minerals and nutrients, this wonder fruit gives the body an immense rush of energy. Thus, it plays a crucial role in reducing fatigue and tiredness that a typical dengue patient incident . Since these bright red seeds are also a rich source of iron, they aid in defend an average blood platelet count.

Coconut Water

Dengue normally  results in dehydration. Thus, it is immensely beneficial to consume coconut water – and that is loaded with electrolytes and vital nutrients. In many cases, ginger water is as well as advice , since it helps to combat nausea that many dengue patients experience.


Being an antiseptic and metabolism booster, many doctors as well as suggests the approval of turmeric with milk. This helps in faster regain . Read more all over the health benefits of turmeric.


Fenugreek or methi is known to induce sleep and acts as a mild tranquillizer that aids in easing pain. It is as well as known to stabilizing the high fever that is a common dengue mark .


A rich mix of antioxidants and Vitamin C, orange and its juice as well as support in treating and eliminating the dengue virus. 

A word of caution – The dengue fever can rise rapidly behind the onset of the initial mark . Thus, it is vital that one seeks medical support  as soon as these mark  are observed. The more than -hint at medicine must be adopted as just accessory forms of treatment.

And what to avoid

The path to regain behind a dengue attack is not going to be very simple . While there are no for most dietary condition , you can make matters easy by adhering to a diet that is less oily and spicy at least for a few days. as well as , make it a point to consume food items that are easy to digest.  

Here are some of the food items you should avoid if you are suffering from Dengue:

Non-Vegetarian food

Non-vegetarian food is a strict “No”. Up your fluid intake and deplete  warm water instead of normal water. 

  • Try to wear full sleeve shirts and full ramifies  and that cover most part of your body.

 Oily and Fried food

It is best to choose a lighter diet and avoid oily and fried food. It carry a lot of fat and that may lead to higher blood pressure. This can hamper your regain as it weakens the immune method .

Spicy food

This is a big no to all who are regain from dengue. It leads to acid select in the stomach and that in turn leads to ulcers. It hampers the regain action as your body ends up fighting double the illnesses at the same time. 

Caffeinated beverages

Your body needs a lot of liquid during this time, but that does not mean caffeinated beverages. These drinks cause fatigue, increase heart beat, and overall not good for you for most when you are agony from an illness. Be sure to consume glasses of warm water instead of normal water. 

General tips to avoid Dengue

Here are some quite general tips as to how you can prevent the disease from being a actually in your life:

  • Clear off all sources of static water where these aphid breed the most. 
  • Light up your home as mosquitoes preer dark and damp location .
  • Go out accordingly as the disease is at its zenith during the monsoon season.
  • always request insect repellent in and all over your rooms and house to shoo away aphid . 

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